Australian Speedway Drivers and Riders
Association Incorporated
Volunteers at Work
By - wcoast

Progress at Walden Park Speedway


The following brief article is to be printed in the April 28th issue of The Windmill (local Corrigin newspaper).

Progress at Walden Park Speedway

Dual Purpose Track at Corrigin
Dual Purpose Track

Work has been progressing slowly but surely at the Speedway Track at Walden Park in Corrigin. Most of the old structures around the perimeter of the track have been removed, and with the help of the Shire heavy equipment, the track itself has been marked out to incorporate a bike and go-kart track on the inside and the main track on the outside.

Volunteers at Work
Volunteers at Work

A team of volunteers met at the track on the weekend of 5th and 6th of April, 2014 to trim some of the trees and tidy up the viewing area.

We encourage participation in this project by everyone interested in seeing the work move ahead and would be pleased to see more of the local Corrigin residents taking part. This is as much your track as anyone’s and will be as successful as you want to make it.

At the moment the majority of the work is being done by West Coast Speedcars and the West Coast Vintage and Classic division. Other divisions currently racing at other country tracks would be most welcome as helpers as it is expected that they will be racing at the Corrigin track in the future.

We particularly cater to those divisions that find themselves refused at some tracks for reasons that seem unfair. As long as your car is registered with a recognized organization and you have a valid speedway license you will be welcome to race at the Corrigin track.

Australian Speedway Drivers and Riders Association Incorporated are a sanctioning body with the capability to issue licenses and take on a number of different divisions of race vehicle. You will be able to find out more about this organization by visiting their website at

You can find West Coast Speedcars on Facebook. This page will keep you up to date on what is happening both with the club’s racing division and with the work at the track. Go to https// and ‘like’ our page.

There are lots of photos of our progress with the work at the track on our West Coast Speedcars website –

If you would like to register an interest in restoring Walden Park Speedway and have not yet left your details with us please let us know who you are and how you may be able to help.

Contact Details

President: Alan Meakins

Secretary: Christine Meakins

Email: wcs.secretary at or asdrainc at (Replace ‘at’ with @. Active email addresses will attract spammers).

Phone: 08 9571 1422

Mobile: 0488 553 167

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